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A Quick Starter's Guide to Launch Your Freelancing Journey

Freelancing offers a world of opportunities for those seeking independence, flexibility, and a chance to build their careers on their terms.
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Designtopia is anaccessible & enjoyable way to learn online

We're mega grateful to have the opportunity to educate so many designers and developers all over india who enjoy the energy we educate with

Community first

Our community's unwavering support has been with us from day one, and they hold immense importance to us. We nurture inclusivity every day.

Always authentic

We hate shady marketing and believe raw authenticity and transparency is the key to any conversation or way of teaching.

Celebrate diversity

We listen and learn from our diverse community. It's the diversity of our community that makes Designtopia magic.

Stay sustainable

We setup Designtopia as a sustainable company that scales through word of mouth without a penny spent on paid advertising

Positive Energy

We're great believers in emitting positive energy and being a kind human goes a huge way.

Waves before web

If the swell is good, drop everything and surf. Being remote, we encourage our team to treausre the outdoors above anything else

Teach live

Given the speed our industry moves, we're championing teaching live to ensure everything we teach is inline with the latest release


We're a team who teach and learn-by-doing. We prefer to fail fast than plan and never achieve anything.